by Clay F
How my mind despairs to stretch
To the expanse of God's awesome grace
For a mere taste by breath does catch
As I tremble before His face
In blessing has He blessed
Beyond what mortal mind may grasp
And in increasing He has increased
Those who seek and understand at last
He truly is our portion if we seek
For He needs nothing we could bring
He shows Himself strong when we're weak
Bestowing the inheritance of a King
What He adds no one can take
For He swore by His Holy Name
That His promise should never break
If we would only seek His face
Then He sends the hornet and wasp
And the bee to prepare the land before
Oh, if we could at last finally grasp
The Father aches to give us so much more
How He longs, on His children to bestow
All the good things of this earth
Inheritance, gifts more than we can now
Simply added, because we have new birth
We who have loved the Son of God
Are heirs who inherit in His name
And yet, we somehow think it odd
Though 'tis what His word says every day
His Word says, "Lands for which ye labored not,
Have I not given, and cities in which to dwell
Of vineyards and olives ye toiled not
But ye eat of them as well"
Shall we not choose this very day
To serve such an awesome King
Who sends hornet and wasp to prepare our way
Who along with His Son freely gives all things
Has He not said we are Heirs in Christ
And Joint Heirs with Him seated
Has He not said there remains a rest
Unto the saints and the enemy is defeated
Has He not said we have passed from death
New creations now alive to the Law of life
His Word cannot fail and I catch my breath
Wondering, why do we still live in strife
Why will we doubt the promises of God
Who for us spared not His only Son
Choosing to live deceived is so very odd
For on our tree, Jesus said 'twas done
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