My Spiritual
Resume...I Thess. 5:12a
My purpose for putting
this information here is not to validate my ministry, (because nothing
can qualify me for the ministry of the Lord, BUT the Lord), and
that is exactly where my preparation came from. Twenty-one years
of time spent with the Lord. Prayer closet time, private Bible study
time, fasting time, and Rhema time with God.
My reason for putting
this here is to give all of you a little background information
on me, so you can know a little about me, and where I came from,
(this is also the purpose of my "family page").
I have been in some very
good ministries, (when they were GOOD), and I thank the Lord for
that. My first 8 years were spent under the ministry of my "dad
in the Gospel", Apostle Johnnie Washington, of Jamaica, New
York. He has since went home to be with the Lord, but he left much
"fruit" behind.
After that, I was sent
to several other ministries to complete my "training",
to minister from the pew, and to confirm some things which were
revealed to me in my private times.
I thank the Lord because
He will always "add" to us, and when He begins a "good
work" in us, He WILL perform it until the day of Jesus Christ...Phil.
Church Activity:
A) Tabernacle of Prayer
(New York):
1. Baptism-Summer of
2. Bible Institute-Christian Workers Class-June 1985-86
B)Emmanuel Baptist Church (California):
1.Youth Ministry Assistant
2.Singles Ministry Member
3.Sunday School Member
C) Friendship Baptist Church (California):
1.Church Secretary
-New Members
-Discipleship (Ministry Prep)
-Joy of Discovery (Ministry Prep)
-Teachers Training
3.VBS Teacher
4.Sunday School Teacher
-Womens Choir
-Mass Choir
-Daryl Coleys Workshop Choir
-Womens Ministry
-Announcement Clerk
-VBS: Arts & Crafts (Teens)
D)West Angeles COGIC
1.Sunday School
3.Youth Leader (Teens)
4.Rite of Passage Leader (Teens)
7.Christian Karate
8.Leadership Classes:
-Youth Workers
-Christian Counselor (Pt. 1)
-Missionary Evangelist Training
E) Church of the Harvest (California):
1.Office Receptionist
3.J.A.M. Youth Ministries (Teens)
-New Members
-Ministry of Helps (Ministry Prep)
-Teachers Training
F) Greater Bethany Comm. Church (California):
-New Members
-Truth Shall Triumph
-Sons of Abraham Booster Club
-Sons of Abraham Moms Ministry (Single Moms)
G) Horizon Worship Center (Texas):
-Inspirational Speaker (Sundays)
-Main Speaker (Womens Meeting and Joint Church Fellowship)
-New Members
H) PVC Ministerial Network (Texas):
-Radio Broadcast: Talk Time with Tommie
-Leadership Meetings (Houston)
-Preparation for Ministry Bible Study
-Relationship Seminar
-Austin Revival
I) Let the Prophets Speak (Texas):
-Radio Broadcast: 30
minute weekly broadcast (Sat AM).
-Internet Website
J)Purpose Preparation Series (Texas):
1.Ladies Bible Study-Thurs.
2.Couples Bible Study-Sun. Nite
K) Author:
1.What God Hath Joined
Together...desiring marriage in the Kingdom of God. (publication
L) Employment:
GBC - Fort Worth, Texas
Church Secretary:
-Middle School Youth Ministry
-Singles/Divorced Ministry
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