by Clay
Has he not gone before
Has he not made our paths straight
Were we not bought
Before we knew on Him to wait
Did He not declare
From the beginning of creation
That in His awesome care
We would find Savior and Salvation
Has He not said
He will carry to the hoar hairs of old age
That we should not dread
No matter how loud the enemy may rage
Has He not called
From before we were in the womb
That on our knees we fall
Proclaiming His Son's empty tomb
Has He not said
The treasures of darkness He gives
Has he not said
"I came and abundant life to give"
Did Jesus not say
All power was now in His Name
Did He not send
The Holy Spirit in power like a flame
When will we lay hold
By faith what Jesus bought
In Him learn to be bold
Crush the enemy and tremble not
When will we like Him
Throw back the powers of hell
And for the glory of His Name
Let victory's shouts begin to swell
Did not Joel say
"On all flesh My spirit is poured out"
Oh, how I ache this day
To crash the gates of hell, the enemy to route
Some where must it start
Lord, some where on this earth
And if it must Lord let it start
In this vessel of such little worth
I will dare to name the Name
Before which all others now must be bowed
Your praise I will proclaim
As I watch the enemy in terror cowed
I will stand and I will dare
To believe all of Your Holy Word
For I know You are beyond compare
So let the enemy's terror now be heard
Let this toothless lion roar
For in Jesus will I be the more bold
And in praise will I ignore
This feeble lion cowering in the cold
Only Jesus will I see
Only His name will I call
For in it I am free
And all other names MUST fall
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