there any Word from the Lord? ...Luke 21:15
Well, Glory to the Most High God, and His Son Christ Jesus! I feel
Before I go into the
second part of this message, "Another Spirit", I would
like to share a few things because I know some people's toes may
get stepped on, and some feelings may get hurt. This is not my intention,
my full intention is to obey the Lord, and speak His truth whether
I am received or not.
I am a woman in authority,
under authority, and I have great respect for those who sacrifice
to "shepherd" the people of God. The Lord has seen to
it that I have been placed under some excellent ministry, where
I have not had to compromise my values, and/or integrity in order
to "submit", and I thank the Lord for that. Every church
where I have been a member, I can return to, and if I choose to
return, I would be welcomed with open arms.
I say this because it
is not my intention to undermine leadership, but if my speaking
the truth of God's word undermines what certain leaders are trying
to establish, then maybe it needs to be exposed. Anything not built
on the truth of God's word, will eventually fall anyway. I just
want to "throw out the seed" of God's word, and pray that
it will find "good ground".
Besides, the Lord has
been dealing with me, and I couldn't stop, if I wanted to. I have
to speak exactly what He says, or risk losing my anointing. As much
as I love, and appreciate, the people of God, I can live without
you, I cannot live without Him. Although I love you much, I love
Him more. He is there for me when you are not, and He does for me
when you cannot, so I am not confused about whose I am, or why I
am here.
Besides, the "burden
of the Lord", and the "zeal for His house" are consuming
me, so I must finish the task He has set before me
II Corinthians 11:3-4
For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached,
or if you receive a different spirit, which you have not received,
or a different gospel, which you have not accepted, you may well
put up with it!
"A Different
If you will notice in
that scripture, Paul is saying that if someone comes with "another
Jesus", "a different spirit", and "a different
gospel", you will put up with it. This is so true, and very
sad because it is happening today.
There are so many different
"doctrines" within the church today until it is ridiculous.
People are not adhering to the scriptures, in fact, people are not
even reading the scriptures, and the "commandments of men"
have infiltrated the church. I never thought I would have be challenged
to debate the Word of God, to have people come back at me with what
their pastor has said, or what they read in some book, in order
to refute scripture. I thought the Word of God was the final authority.
Jesus spoke continually
about the "commandments of men"
Matthew 15: 8-9,
Mark 7: 6-7, and referred to the false doctrines of men as "leaven"
Matthew 16: 6, 11-12, and Mark 8: 15, because when you allow a little
error in, it consumes the whole
I Corinthians 5: 6, and Galatians
5: 9.
But in spite of that,
in the opening scripture He states that if someone comes to you
with another gospel, a different spirit, and another Jesus, you
will put up with it, how can this be?
We have already talked
about "Another Gospel", how churches are teaching things
that are not true to scripture, and because they give you part of
the Word of God, manipulate the Word of God, and because you don't
read the Word of God for yourselves, you swallow it. So, how do
you receive "a different spirit"?
When we don't have a
proper understanding of the Holy Spirit, (that is from Jesus), how
He operates, and His purpose in our lives, we are open to receive
"another spirit". Any time we take something that the
Lord did in the past, that He only intended for THAT season and
time, and continue to look to it for guidance, it becomes an idol.
It becomes a "thing"
that people began to worship in place of the Lord, which brings
the people into error, and must be broken up. Some things the Lord
intended to continue on, and some things were a "one-time event"
and we need to study the scriptures to discover which fits into
what category.
First, let's look in
the Old Testament for a minute, in Numbers 21: 4-9; you will see
that there was an incident where the people sinned, and when they
did, the Lord sent serpents to afflict them until some died. Then
the people repented, and Moses prayed and the Lord told Moses to
make a bronze serpent and put it on a pole so that when the people
looked on it, they lived. Now this was all a work of the Lord, a
miracle of God!
But by the time we get
to II Kings 18: 4, we see the people of God worshipping the "bronze
serpent", and burning incense to it, calling it "Nehustan".
So much so that King Hezekiah had to break it into pieces. Because
the "thing" that the Lord had used was not intended to
be worshipped, and it was for that time, and that time only.
We have brought a great
many things from the Old Testament into New Testament, which were
not intended to be under this dispensation. Now, I do believe in
the whole counsel of God through the entirety of His word, but some
things were intended to be examples, only, not to be continued under
this new dispensation.
These "things"
are idols, (commandments of men, that are being taught as doctrines
of God), and they must be pulled down. In order to clearly see this
we must look at the operation of leadership, and the Spirit of God
in both Old Testament and New Testament. (I will condense for the
sake of time).
In the Old Testament,
the Holy Ghost was only poured out on certain individuals, and these
individuals stood between God, and His people as mediators. In the
Old Testament, the people were not allowed to question the actions
of their leaders, and their leaders were the final authority over
their lives, next to God. In the Old Testament, one man had the
vision, and this man was considered the "man of God".
In the New Testament,
Jesus is the mediator between God and man
I Timothy 2:5, the
Holy Ghost is poured out upon ALL believers
Acts 2: 16-21,
and Jesus is the "head" of the church
Ephesians 4:
15. In the New Testament, there are "rules of engagement",
(so to speak), and we are not to "rebuke" a leader, but
we can entreat him as a father, (implore, ask earnestly, exhort,
to try to persuade by appeal, give advice)
I Timothy 5:1. In
the New Testament, the Lord established a 5-fold leadership team
for the equipping, and edifying of the saints, and the work of the
Also, I could not find
one reference to the "man of God" in the New Testament,
(now I may have over looked something, so if anyone knows differently,
please email me so I can correct this).
Now, the reason this
is important is because of the "different spirit" that
is being received in our churches today, and that "spirit"
is from man, not God. Hold on now, because some people are about
to get cut, and the word of God IS the sword of the Spirit
6: 17, but I assure you that the Holy Spirit is right there to heal,
We have many people speaking
a 'word" by the Spirit of God, but who is really being glorified?
All of these prophetic words, but who's Kingdom is really being
exalted? Jesus said the Holy Spirit comes to glorify Him
16: 14a, but I hear all these words of how great an individual will
be, or how large someone's church, or ministry will be. And we justify
this by saying it will be for God's glory. Really?
Well, let's look at what
Jesus had to say in 14b of that verse
"He will take
of what is Mine, and DECLARE it to you". So, the Holy Ghost
will speak what Jesus speaks, and has spoken. How did Jesus feel
about the popularity of man? Let's look at Matthew 23: 11, Luke
6: 26, and Luke 16:15.
How did Jesus feel about
huge buildings in His name? Mark 13:1-2
I tell you He was not
impressed, and what of financial wealth? Luke 18:18-24, He basically
summed all these things up in this scripture
I John 2:16-17,
so why would He send someone who is suppose to be speaking from
His Spirit to fortify those things in you?
And what about this?
I was at this church a few months ago, and a woman stood to speak
for the Lord. She said the Lord had said that the Pastor was to
lay His hands on the members of His church and impart HIS spirit
on them to complete the vision of the house. This all sounded very
spiritual, but it was not the Lord.
The scripture states
by power, nor by might, but by MY Spirit, saith the Lord"
4:6. The Lord promised to pour out HIS Spirit in the last days
2: 28-32, and Acts 2: 17-21. In Luke 24: 49
Jesus said wait
until you are supplied with POWER from on HIGH, and this was fulfilled
in Acts 2: 1-4. Now many things are received by the laying on of
hands, but the Spirit of God, not the spirit of man, does all of
this. Not by the imparting of any man's spirit, or anointing.
Let's look a little further,
we have been given the relationship between Elijah, and Elisha to
validate the principle of "passing one's mantle". We are
also told that Elisha received Elijah's mantle because He "served"
the "man of God". So, we have church members all over
the United States going through many different tasks in hopes of
receiving the "mantle" of their Pastors, or Bishops. Tasks
that range from carrying their Pastor's Bible, to tying the Bishop's
shoelaces. Men, who are so busy trying to be servants to their leaders
until they are almost "effeminate", in their actions.
And leaders sending their "armor bearers" on 'crazy"
tasks to prove they are submitted to them. But may I share with
you a revelation the Lord gave me regarding Elijah, and Elisha
really had nothing to do with Elisha's service at all.
Turn to I Kings 19: 16-17,
before Elijah even met Elisha, the Lord told Him to anoint him as
a Prophet in his place. Also, turn to II Kings 2: 9, where Elijah
asked Elisha what he wanted from him. Let's look at Elisha's response,
did he say, 'I just want to be just like you, give me your anointing,
your mantle", was that his response? NO! He said I want a DOUBLE
portion, and this is what the Lord revealed to me. Elisha got the
mantle because he saw pass Elijah to someone greater. He said, "I
don't want what you have, I want MORE"!!! In essence, he said,
"Elijah, you bad, but I need more of God", and this is
how I feel.
I love the way the Lord
uses His people, and the Lord has blessed me to be "under"
some awesome leaders in Him, and I give Him the glory for He did
in my life through them, BUT I don't want their anointing. I don't
want to be like anyone that I have ever seen, except Jesus, and
the only Spirit I want is from Jesus, and the only anointing I want
is from the Spirit of God.
When Jesus started His
ministry, He said
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
because HE has anointed Me"
Luke 4: 18-19,and if Jesus
needed the Holy Spirit, I will not settle for man's spirit. Their
"spirit" is limited to their purpose, and their "anointing"
is tailored to them, and what the Lord has assigned them to do.
I want an anointing that is limitless!
Jesus said in John 14:
12 that we would do GREATER works because He went to His Father,
why? because Jesus said if He left, He would send the Holy Spirit
John 16: 7. I believe one of the reasons we are NOT seeing the greater
works is because we are operating from a "hand me down"
anointing, and if any thing great came of it, man would get the
We want the POWER the
Apostles had, well, then we need live the lifestyle the Apostles
lived, and depend on the Spirit the Apostles depended on, the Holy
Spirit. We want it all; prestige, prosperity, AND power, when the
Apostles were willing to sacrifice
I Corinthians 4: 9-13. They
didn't ALLOW anyone to worship them
Acts 14: 11-15, (I was
in this church once where the members proclaimed their leader to
be the greatest that ever lived. As I pondered this, I said to the
Lord, "Well, he is not encouraging this", and the Lord
said, "And he is not discouraging it either"). Also, the
Apostles trusted in the Spirit of the Lord
Romans 8: 14, 26-27.
We look to man to anoint
us, validate us, and ordain us, and we think the Spirit of the Lord
comes to entertain us, to give us a "dance", "goose
bumps", to anoint buildings, locations and very few people,
doesn't change lives, blesses "mess", and doesn't really
DO anything, but make us emotional. Saints, you need a REVELATION!
The genuine Spirit of
the Lord;
- Is a person, not a thing, HE
John 14: 16-17
- Impregnates with purpose
Matt. 1: 18-20
- Baptizes people
Matt. 3: 11
- Speaks through people
mark 13: 11
- Fills one up
Luke 1: 15, 4: 1, and Acts 4:8
- Reveals the purpose of God
Luke 2: 26
- Comforts
John 14: 26
- Brings back to our remembrance
John 14:26b
- Who gives power
Acts 1: 8
- Who speaks
Acts 13:2, and Acts 21: 11
- Sends forth
Acts 13: 4
- Sheds love in our hearts
Romans 5: 5
- Gives joy
Romans 14: 17
- Sanctifies
Romans 15:16
- Teaches
I Corinthians 2:13
- Dwells in man
II Timothy 1: 14, and I Corinthians 6: 19
- Gives gifts
Hebrews 2: 4
- Witnesses
Hebrews 10:15
- Moves us
II Peter 1: 21
- Prays
Jude 1:20
- Convicts
John 16: 8-11
- Is one with God, and Christ
I John 5: 7
And that is just
to name a few of His functions. Once, while I was praying, I asked
the Lord to move by His Spirit, and He replied, "that is the
ONLY way I move". It is IN the Name of Jesus, by the POWER
of the Holy Ghost.
So which "spirit"
will it be? "Another spirit", which is the spirit of man/flesh,
or the spirit of this world, or the Spirit that only comes from
the Lord
you decide.
"These things we
also speak, not in words which man's wisdom teaches
but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with
I Corinthians 2: 13
God bless!!!
Next Month, "Another Jesus"
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